Thursday 25 November 2010


I have been concentrating on my model and trying to get all the correct components in place. I am finding it very hard as it is being modelled from one reference image and I have had to model each little component and move it into place.  My model so far does have some materials and textures applied to it as I was testing different materials out. This is my model at its current state.

It still needs a lot of work and better texturing as well as lighting. I still have a long way to go but at least that will be the hard part over.

The light test from last week was not what I had hoped and was not happy with it at all. I had to work around this and find a way of making it look better and more like a real projection. I accomplished this by making the screen smaller than the light so it looks more realistic.

Below is a picture of it to show what the light will look like once the model is finished.

I am also working on getting the Muybridge footage of the running horse. I am having trouble finding it without any protection or copyright on it so I have decided to make my own footage using an image and then am going to loop it. I will need to make a sky arts logo to add onto the footage and onto the projector. I will edit this is After Effects and then try and do a test to make it look as though it is being projected onto the screen.

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